We are so delighted to introduce You to our new business division: EMPOWERMENT BAMBOO. THE BAMBOO SPACE OF THE NEW ERA. We care about nature, sustainability, paradies and wilderness.
Bamboo is a great tool, with tremendous leverage on many levels. Let us unite to take care of our wonderful planet and start with learning and collaborating together. No time to miss! No opportunity to miss… don’t you think so?
Ulla, Silvia, Andrés and Rubén are your team for EMPOWERMENT BAMBOO. We are proud and very happy to be powered by WORLD BAMBOO ORGANIZATION.

Please stay in touch, subscribe for our Newsletter and – see you soon!
Please feel free to share our pre-webseite EMPOWERMENT BAMBOO with your colleagues, friends, familiy and other bamboo lovers. Learning & collaborating opportunities are coming soon! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!